You can call it Guido e it is going to become your favourite barman. But, surprisingly, it is not a man: Guido is a robot.
Designed by Carlo Ratti Associati in partnership with Makr Shakr, the Italian company that is now the global leader in the new robotic bartenders market, Guido is a robotic bar, mounted on top of a self-driving platform.
The machine, which is still a concept, is supposed to roam the city or big event venues to deliver drinks to customers who ordered them through a dedicated smartphone app.
Last year, Makr Shakr’s robotic bartenders have mixed already more than 1.200.000 drinks on Royal Caribbean’s cruise ships and in some Las Vegas Casinos; according to Emanuele Rossetti, CEO of Makr Shakr, Guido shows how technologies can make cities more responsive, and ultimately more fun.
Welcome to the future.