Milan’s vantage point on the world’s most interesting and dynamic continent; a window into the multifaceted Asian universe, from the Middle to the Far East, taking in the entire range of creative fields, from industrial design to furnishings, from fashion design to food, and from architecture to contemporary art.
This will be Asia Design Pavilion, the first ever exhibition and communications platform conceived to enhance and show off the variegated Asian creative scene, something completely new for Milan Design Week 2018.
Brought together by a partnership between Sarpi Bridge_Oriental Design Week, Milano Space Makers e I_des, Asia Design Pavilion will occupy the large Megawatt Court exhibition hangar (via Watt 15, Milano), turned into a huge multicultural and multidisciplinary hub for the duration of the event thanks to the participation of numerous companies and institutions representing a lively and original cross-section of the contemporary Asian scene.
On display will be designers, design studios and organisations from Thailand, China, India, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Iran and Israel; the exhibition will include contemporary artwork, with site-specific installations by exciting Asian artists.
Moreover, the mission to create a bridge between East and West cannot and must not go ignored, so as a commitment to our young designers, the ASIA produce-MI area is dedicated to design prototypes carefully selected to be proposed to potential Chinese manufacturers.
Finally, equally unmissable is the ORIENTAL [FOOD] DESIGN WEEK project organised by Gastronomade Vittorio Castellani, combining hospitality, gourmet food and culture, with a programme of meetings and cultural activities which is currently being finalised.