HomeDesignLes Intrigues, Bruno Tarsia’s charming intersections for L’Opificio

Les Intrigues, Bruno Tarsia’s charming intersections for L’Opificio



With its charming intersections, Les Intrigues is the new fabric designed by Bruno Tarsia architect for L’Opificio that takes its name from the elaborate tangle of chromatic combinantions that overlap with harmonious balance on the textile backgrounds.

Tone contrasts and unprecedented chromatisms intersect each other generating a fluid geometry in the strokes, while the scenographic three-dimensionality is tangibly expressed in the articulated relief composition of the yarn.

The textures of Les Intrigues (composition: viscose mix), suitable for decorations and upholstery, are available in seven color variants. In addition, the modularity that defines the visual composition of the design develops on a large scale, enhancing the exuberant seventies-inspired atmosphere of this four-weave lampas, which will enrich the new l’Opificio textile collection with its original visual impact.